Thursday, 18 February 2010

Getting greener!

I try whenever I can to be "green". I buy organic and recycle. I even seek out organic and ethical brands to represent. My wonderful Surya Brasil products use biodegradable packaging to go with their certified organic ingredients. So I was very excited to read in Science Daily that a compostable plastic is being developed at Imperial College London. In the not too distant future disposable plastic items could be composted at home along with organic waste!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

For those who travel.....

While perusing Gary Pini's fabulous blog 8 items or less on Paper Magazine I was particularly taken with this fab cosmetics site What a great idea! How many face creams have been left behind at airport security gates, how many samples are just too small to pique your interest and how many new and exciting brands are out there just waiting to be tried! Their tag line says it all! "For those who travel, those who are curious and those who can't commit".