Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Sapien Men gets the recognition it deserves!

Sapien Men, the wonderful organic men's toiletries range by Surya Brasil, has been cited among the best products available for men in the new edition of "Les Meilleurs Cosmétiques pour les hommes".

2 out of the 6 Sapien Men products came in 2nd and 5th from an evaluation of 717 products and 112 brands.

Go Sapien Men!

Revitalash launches the 2.4ml!

Revitalash 4.1ml has been flying off the shelf, and even though it lasts for 6 months, there are many potential customers who don't have the 110€ to pay in one go.

In response to the growing demand for this amazing product, Athena Cosmetics have now made a 2.4ml version, which lasts for 3 months, at a retail price of 70€.

Now more people can have fabulous eyelashes without breaking the bank!

Monday, 12 April 2010

Green Nail Polish....and they even have green!

In my eternal quest for "green cosmetics", I have discovered this amazing range of water based "green" nail polishes from the Canadian company Suncoat.

The array of colours means that glamour doesn't have to be bypassed while doing our bit for the planet.

Check out their website for more organic cosmetics......this is the future!

Friday, 2 April 2010

Bave d'Escargot....much nicer in French

Having lived in France for many years I have eaten my fare share of snails, cooked in lashings of garlic butter, but the thought of snail slime had never before whet my appetite. Until now!

I won't however be eating it, but rubbing it all over my body!

A company called Innovatouch Cosmetic have a small line of products made from "bave d'escargot" which literally means snail drool...hmmm!

The healing properties of snail drool are well documented and it is the molecule allantoïne that does the trick. The allantoïne, proteins, vitamins, natural antibiotics and collagens found in this drool combined with Aloe and Silicium make these effective anti-age products a lot more appetising than you’d think.

Revitabrow now available at Le Bon Marchè