Friday, 21 September 2012

Facebook - the brands best friend!

It took me a while to warm to facebook. I had all the usual fears about privacy, doubts about who would be interested in my thoughts of the day (still not sure about that one!) and what was indeed the point!

Having personally reconnected with some dear old friends,  I started to get the point, and merrily maintained, though not that often, my facebook presence.

Then one day my brilliant partner Marc said "We really should have a French facebook page for Revitalash". I knew that the US facebook page had a lot of enthusiastic followers, but they are Americans, so enthusiastic is a given. I was sceptical how a French person would perceive a Revitalash france facebook but Liz our dynamic and unstoppable press attache was convinced  and eager to give it a go, so we launched ourselves into this brave new world (new to us that is)!

Within days our fan base started to grow and we now have over 2000 fans who communicate with us on a regular basis. These are not "bought" fans but real people who came to us because they are interested in our brand. I believe this is partly due to the amazing products, but also the way in which Liz communicates with these fans.

With daily updates, personal messages and competitions our page is a living, breathing entity. We've had amazing reviews from bloggers and journalists about our facebook page which has added a whole new dimension to the buzz surrounding our brand and business is booming!

I am now convinced that social networking is the key to building brand awareness in our world today and we have since launched subsequent facebook pages to present our other brands to a public hungry for information.

I am not quite ready to Tweet.....but watch this space!

Silkmed - in handbags everywhere!

Since the successful launch of Silkmed at the exclusive Parisian department store Le Bon Marchè, this innovative and elegant conditioning hand-sanitiser can be found in the handbags of France's most discerning shoppers.

Killer Colours - a Killer concept!

A fabulous new merchant website has been launched with a killer concept!

Killer Colours collaborates with fashion insiders and trend forecasters to bring us what’s hot this month... this week... this very minute.  The 5 Killer Colours are today’s absolute ‘must haves’ and every one is a limited edition so when stock is gone, it’s really gone - Killer Colours is already on to the next micro-trend.
This is one killer concept one to watch!